Monday, March 31, 2014

Taxonomy Project Due Thursday!

Reminder!  Taxonomy Project Due Thursday, April 3rd! 

Instructions can be found on the left side of your screen under "Class Information"


Classification Review - Homework 3/31/14

Due Tuesday, 4/1/14

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Taxonomy Research

These are some websites to get you started.  Remember to look for reliable sources! 

Reliable means: 
  • No Wikipedia
  • No Question Answering websites (ex.,
  • No Personal websites (ex.  Susie's "I Love Dogs" page)
  • Yes to zoo websites
  • Yes to university websites (.edu)
  • Yes to government websites  (.gov)
  • Yes to reputable organizations (ex.  National Wildlife Federation)
When you finish, look for ideas or pictures for designing your project (no printing though) - then, you can play games

7 Layers of Classification Game

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

New Unit - Classification

We recently began a new unit on Classification.  This unit will include:  The 6 kingdoms, taxonomy, protists, and fungi. 

Students will have a "mini-project" during this unit that we will begin working on in class tomorrow.  More information about project to come.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Neuron Modeling

On Monday, 3/3, Students created their own neuron models using a variety of household supplies:  Play-Doh, straws, pipe cleaners, toothpicks, beads, and yarn.  Students labeled the major parts of the neuron and traced the direction of the impulse.