Microscope Proper Handling & Care

Proper Handling & Care of the Microscope

Image result for labeled microscope
Proper Handling & Care of the Microscope

1. Plug your microscope in to floor outlet under each lab table.
2. Store with cord wrapped around microscope and the low power objective clicked into place.
3. Carry by the base and arm with both hands.
Focusing Specimens
1. Always start with the low power objective. Odds are, you will be able to see something on this setting. Use the Coarse Adjustment Knob to focus.  The image may be small at this magnification, but you won't be able to find it on the higher powers without this first step. Do not use stage clips yet, try moving the slide around until you find something.
2. Once you've focused on low power, switch to medium power. Use the Coarse Adjustment Knob & Fine Adjustment Knob to refocus. Again, if you haven't focused on this level, you will not be able to move to the next level.
3. Now switch to High Power. At this point, ONLY use the Fine Adjustment Knob to focus specimens.
4. If the specimen is too light or too dark, try adjusting the diaphragm.
5. If you see a line in your viewing field, try twisting the eyepiece, the line should move. That's because it’s a pointer, and is useful for pointing out things to your lab partner or teacher.  Don’t draw the pointer in your scientific drawings! 
You must ALWAYS start with low power and get the image in focus using the Coarse Adjustment Knob BEFORE moving up to medium or high power! 
Finished with the Microscope?
1.    Turn off the light
2.    Lower the stage
3.    Rotate to the low power objective