Monday, April 28, 2014


We have been working on portfolios for the past several days.  These will count as a test grade and will be due Wednesday, May 7th.  Any parts of the portfolio that are incomplete are now homework. 

Below is a complete portfolio:


Page 1, 2, & 3

Page 4

Page 5 & 6

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Portfolio Daily Goals

We began our portfolio review project yesterday in class.  Each day students will have a goal to meet during class.  If students do not meet the daily goal, then it becomes homework.  Portfolios will be due after standardized testing and will count as a test grade.

Wednesday Daily Goal:
1.  Set up portfolio
2.  Insert previously completed foldables: 
     a.  6 characteristics of living things spinner
     b.  6 Kingdoms
     c.  Mendel's Laws
     d.  Symbiotic Relationships (smileys)

Thursday Daily Goal:
1.  Create and insert:
      a.  DNA & RNA
      b.  Biotic Factors
      c.  Meiosis

Friday Daily Goal:
1.  Create and insert
     a.  Cell Structure & Function
     b.  Human Body Systems


4th period science participated in NASA's #GloabalSelfie project for Earth Day!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Why does Evolution matter now

Schedule 4/21 to 5/1

Monday, 4/21                     Ecology & Evolution Study Guide
Tuesday, 4/22                     Ecology & Evolution Test
                                                Study Guide Due
                                                ~Earth Day!~
Wednesday, 4/23             Begin Portfolio Project
                                                Bring ALL notebooks used in science this year!
Thursday, 4/24                  Portfolios
                                                ~Take Your Child to Work Day~
Friday, 4/25                        Notebook Quiz
Monday, 4/28                    ASPIRE Begins (Reading)

Tuesday, 4/29                    ASPIRE Testing (Math)
Wednesday, 4/30            ASPIRE Testing (Science)
Thursday, 5/1                    ASPIRE Testing (English & Writing).
*There will be a textbook check for a daily grade one day            

Take Your Child to Work Day - April 24th

Madison County Schools will observe “Take your Child to Work Day” on Thursday, April 24th.   However:
    • Students/parents should provide documentation of their attendance.  Documentation may include a note from parents, brochure of a program, etc.
    • Absence for this day will be coded as an EXCUSED ABSENCE with the proper documentation as determined by the principal.
*Science portfolio work completed in class that day will be assigned as make up work.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Classification Test!

Test Thursday, 4/10!

This test will include:
·         Ch. 9 Classification & the 6 Kingdoms
·         Protists (Select information from Ch. 11 Sections 1 & 2)
·         Plants (Select information from Ch. 12 Section 4)

Overview of this week:  (Anything not finished in class becomes homework)
·         Monday - Flower structures
·         Tuesday – Study Guide
·         Wednesday – Study Guide Due; Chapter Review; Study guides will be graded and returned before the end of the period
·         Thursday – Test
·         Friday – Notebook Quiz covering 3/31 to 4/10

I am still working on grading the taxonomy projects, but should have them graded and entered into INOW by the end of the week.  These projects count as two daily grades, which is why INOW will show Taxonomy Project x1 and Taxonomy Project x2.

Parts of the Flower

A perfect flower (has both MALE & FEMALE parts).

Click here to visit a site for an interactive quiz on the parts of a flower!  

(#10 has been purposefully excluded as it was not a part of our study.)

Images from