Thursday, February 24, 2011

~Extra Credit Opportunities~

Extra Credit option #1:  Worth one test grade (100 points)           Due:  Monday, March 7th

Students may write a two page, typed, double spaced report on a genetic disease.

Must include the following information:
a. Name of disease
b. How it is inherited
c. Symptoms
d. Prognosis
e. Who is affected (is the disease known to target certain races, genders, or ethnic groups, etc.)
d. Sources (separate page)
e. Title page (separate page)
f. Pictures are always great if they can be obtained but are not considered part of the two typed pages.  There should be an extra page designated for pictures if included.
 *Please be aware that plagiarism will not be tolerated
(no cut and paste, or copying word for word).  All sources must be cited. 

Extra Credit Option #2:  Worth two test grades (200 points)     Due:  Monday, March 7th
Students may construct a model of DNA.  No purchased kits may be used.
·         Sugars, phosphates, and bases should be represented consistently.
      (Meaning all sugars look alike, all phosphates look alike, all adenine bases look alike, etc.)

·         Base pairing should be accurate (A-T, G-C). 

·         Must include a key that shows what represents each part of the DNA model. 
(The key should show what is representing the sugar, the phosphate, and each base pair.)

·         The model must be a double helix.
*Information can be obtained from the textbook (chapter 6), reliable online sources, or you can contact me if you have any questions.