Tuesday, May 17, 2011

End-of-Year Information!

Wednesday, May 18th   Absolute deadline for any late or missing assignments for my class.  Students who are missing work have been notified and reminded daily.
Thursday, May 19th   Ch. 27 & 28 Test – Students will be allowed to use the study guide worked on in class today for half of the testing time.  Textbook Turn In

Friday, May 20th   Homeroom - Please bring 50 cents by this date (will be used to purchase stamps & envelopes for end-of-year mailings)

Monday, May 23rd    Student Council Fundraiser “Ugly Walk”.  $5 per couple to enter.  $2 per student to attend.
Tuesday, May 24th   Behavior Incentive Field Trip – Roller Coasters Skating in Hampton Cove  (for those who originally qualified and signed up for Stars Game)
Wednesday, May 25th    7th Grade Awards Day @ 8:30 am               BMS Gymnasium
Thursday, May 26th  Last Student Day