Friday, September 9, 2011

Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest

Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest
·         Grades K – 8th
·         Use a half piece of poster board ( 14 ¼  by 21 ¾ inches)
·         Poster should include a message that promotes a drug-free lifestyle.
·         They will be judged on color, artistic presentation & strength of message.
·         Student’s name, grade, school and school phone number must be on the back of the poster.
·         Deadline must be turned into Mrs. Pearsall by September 20th, 2011.
·         The winning poster from each grade at Buckhorn Middle will be submitted for area judging at the Partnership for a Drug Free Community.  The 1st place prizes there will win a cash prize, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive an awards certificate.