Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The DNA test will be Tuesday, March 6th and will cover information from Chapter 6 as well as additional information discussed in class (AMSTI).

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Unit: DNA

We will be covering Ch. 6 plus using AMSTI modules to extract DNA and building a DNA model with K'nex. 

Tonight's assignment:  finish coloring and labeling DNA & RNA molecules if not completed in class.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Genetics Test - Friday, February 17th

Make sure you are familiar with the following terms and related information (both definition and application).  For many of these terms, you will need to be able to identify examples.
Mendel’s Laws:  Segregation, Independent Assortment, and Dominance
Homologous chromosomes

Gregor Mendel
Punnett Squares (both working and analyzing the results)
Chromosome Number reduced by 1/2
Occurs in sex cells
Results in 4 cells
Cells are haploid

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Genetics Quiz Friday 2/10

Material it will include:

  • Vocabulary terms (both application and/or definitions)
    • Genotype, phenotype, homozygous, heterozygous, dominant, recessive, gene, allele, hybrid, purebred
  • Working Punnett Squares
  • Analyzing Punnett Squares to determine possible outcomes

Genetics and Heredity Test - Friday, 2/17

Thursday, February 2, 2012

New Unit: Genetics & Heredity

Chapter 5 in the textbook.  Test tentatively scheduled for Thursday, February 16th. 

There will be a quiz a few days before the test.  I will announce the date for the quiz once it has been established.
Progress Reports go out today, 2/2.  This grade will not include the extra-credit project grades.