Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Human Body Systems Test 2 Tomorrow!

     For part of the class today, students were allowed to create a "cheat sheet" to use on the test tomorrow.  They were provided with a half-sheet of paper to use (front and back).  This information must be hand written.  The only exception is that they may take things out of their notebook to tape onto the cheat sheet.  If a student forgets their cheat sheet, they will still be required to take the test.
Cheat Sheet:
Write as much information or diagrams as you want on this sheet of paper (front and back) to use on the test.  The cheat sheet will be turned in with your test.  Make sure your name is written on it!
Respiratory         Ch. 23 Section 4                                 p. 620
Digestive             Ch. 24 Section 1                                p. 634
Nervous               Ch. 25 Section 1                                p. 656
Reproductive     Ch. 26 Section 2 & 3                           p. 688 & 692