Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sci-Quest Middle School Summer Camps

Sci-Quest Middle School Summer Camps!  <---- Click for more information!


Girls Guide to Science!  
Girls rule, and in this program they can find out exactly why. From the chemistry of cosmetics to genetics and beyond we’ll put a feminine spin on science. No boys allowed!

Techno Chef!
Put on your scientific apron and join us for cooking the Sci-Quest way! Learn about molecular gastronomy
which is an area of science that investigates and explains the chemistry behind food. Discover how your
senses play a role in your appreciation of food, why some foods are distasteful and see some extreme cooking
techniques. You will never see dinner the same way again!

Gamers Lab!
What does it take to make your own video game? Check out the history of gaming and then design your very
own game! You will get the chance to play it and show it off to the other campers as well.
NOTE: Space is
limited to 12 participants per section in this camp, so register early!

Robots Rule!
Have you always wanted your own robot? Are you going to be on a Robotics team in the fall? Then this camp
is for you! Using Lego Mindstorms NXT ™, we will learn how robots are programmed and then you will get
to build your very own robot tank that can sense the world around it.
NOTE: Space is limited to 12 participants.