1. Research the genetic diseases you selected in class
Use these sites to find information:
http://kidshealth.org/teen/diseases_conditions/#cat20165 (Click Genetic, Chromosomal & Metabolic Conditions for a drop-down list)
2. Write or type a letter or note as if YOU currently have the disease you listed in question 2.
Explain to the reader:
A. how you got the disease (inhereted? genetic mutation? )
B. what your symptoms are (bleeding, physical disabilities, mental disabilities, etc. - - be specific!)
C. what type of treatments you go through (medicines, therapy, special diet, surgery etc. or there may be no treatments available)
D. how this disease affects your daily life
Finshed Early?
Practice for tomorrow’s quiz! http://quizlet.com/1944553/test?matching=on&mult_choice=on&tf=on&prompt-with=1&limit=20
Punnett Square Practice Quiz http://glencoe.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0078778066/student_view0/chapter5/math_practice.html