Friday, November 21, 2014

Ch.5 Heredity & Genetics Study List

Genetics & Heredity (Ch. 5) Test Study List
Make sure you are familiar with the following terms and related information (both definition and application).  For many of these terms, you will need to be able to identify examples.
Homologous chromosomes
Gregor Mendel
Incomplete Dominance

·         Punnett Squares (both working and analyzing results)
·         MeiosisChromosome Number reduced by 1/2
occurs in sex cells
Results in 4 cells
Cells are haploid
Example:  A Gray Fox has 66 chromosomes in its blood cells.  Therefore, it would have 33 chromsomes in its sex cells.


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

iPad Heredity Webquest

Items shown in RED are items you need to copy/complete in your notebook.

1.  Go to the Brain Pop App
  • Search for "Heredity"
  • Watch Brain Pop “Heredity” à volume turned down with CC on unless you have earbuds
  •   Take the “Review Quiz”
  •  View your results
  • Copy your score into your notebook
2.  Mendel's Laws Prezi  <---- click link
  • Click through all the slides, reading and looking at pictures
  • In your notebook, copy Mendel’s 3 Laws with the descriptions from the Prezi
    Mendel's 3 Laws:
    • Law of Segregation  ___________________________
    •  Law of Dominance  _____________________________
    • Law of Independent Assortment  ___________________________

3. If you finish early ---- Go to the Brain Pop App
  • Search for "Gender Determination"
  • Watch Brain Pop “Gender Determination” à volume turned down with CC on unless you have earbuds
  •   Take the “Review Quiz”
  •  View your results
  • Copy your score into your notebook

4.  Quiz @ Kahoot.It  <---- click link
  Wait for instructions from Mrs. Smith
 Copy your score/total points ___________

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Pre-AP: Genetic Disease Research

Due Friday, 11/21/14!

1.        Research the genetic diseases you selected in class

Use these sites to find information: (Click Genetic, Chromosomal & Metabolic Conditions for a drop-down list)

or other reliable resources (no wikipedia).

2.  Write or type a letter or note as if YOU currently have the disease you listed in question 2. 
Explain to the reader:   
A.  how you got the disease (inhereted?  genetic mutation? )
B.   what your symptoms are (bleeding, physical disabilities, mental disabilities, etc. - - be specific!)
C.  what type of treatments you go through (medicines, therapy, special diet, surgery etc. or there may be no treatments available)
D.  how this disease affects your daily life

7 requirements:
1.     Opening greeting
2.    How you got the disease
3.    Your symptoms
4.    Treatments
5.    How this disease affects your daily life
6.    Closing remark with your name/signature

7.    (Very bottom of the page) At least 2 resources (title of book/magazine with article name or website name with article name.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Homework Alert!

Students have two assignments to ensure completion of over the weekend:

1.  Ch. 5 Vocabulary Foldable:  Ensure each term has a definition and example (answer key below)

2.  Genetics Practice Problems
Students are to complete the Punnett Square Examples (4 total) for homework if not finished in class.
The top section of the worksheet will be done in class on Monday.  See pg. 121 of textbook for an example.

The completed worksheet will be due on TUESDAY.

****Some students have finished one or both activities during class time.****

Learn Biology: How to Draw a Punnett Square

Click Here! How to draw a Punnett Square

Monday, November 3, 2014

The Cell in Action TEST Friday!

Wednesday, 11/5:  Ch. 4 Study Guide Due!
Students will work on the study guide in class Tuesday.  The Study Guide will be returned before leaving class Wednesday.

Friday, 11/7:  Ch. 4 Test!
The test includes Mitosis, Diffusion, Osmosis, Photosynthesis, and Cellular Respiration.

We have done some fun labs last week and this week!  Ask your students about these!

Lab 1:  Last week, we watched as Iodine diffused through a plastic bag.  (Video of similar lab below)

Lab 2:  In class, we have dissolved the shell off of an egg for our osmosis experiment.
We have now placed one egg in water and one egg in corn syrup to watch the process of osmosis. 
(We will be making observations for several days)
***To do this at home:  place unboiled eggs in vinegar for 1-2 days, and then rinse with water.  Now you have a “RUBBER EGG”

Lab 3:  We will be watching the process of photosynthesis actually occur using Elodea and Bromothymol Blue indicator.