Wednesday, November 19, 2014

iPad Heredity Webquest

Items shown in RED are items you need to copy/complete in your notebook.

1.  Go to the Brain Pop App
  • Search for "Heredity"
  • Watch Brain Pop “Heredity” à volume turned down with CC on unless you have earbuds
  •   Take the “Review Quiz”
  •  View your results
  • Copy your score into your notebook
2.  Mendel's Laws Prezi  <---- click link
  • Click through all the slides, reading and looking at pictures
  • In your notebook, copy Mendel’s 3 Laws with the descriptions from the Prezi
    Mendel's 3 Laws:
    • Law of Segregation  ___________________________
    •  Law of Dominance  _____________________________
    • Law of Independent Assortment  ___________________________

3. If you finish early ---- Go to the Brain Pop App
  • Search for "Gender Determination"
  • Watch Brain Pop “Gender Determination” à volume turned down with CC on unless you have earbuds
  •   Take the “Review Quiz”
  •  View your results
  • Copy your score into your notebook

4.  Quiz @ Kahoot.It  <---- click link
  Wait for instructions from Mrs. Smith
 Copy your score/total points ___________