Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Test & Updates

Homeroom Updates:

BYOT - In 1st period today, all BMS students should have received BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) information (which is also attached to this email).  The kickoff for this initiative is Monday, April 27th.  The form is due back signed to the 1st period teacher by Monday in order to participate.

Science Updates:

Tomorrow is Bring Your Child to Work Day.  My classes will be doing a review/reinforcement activity that will not require makeup work if your child participates in this event.  Please remember to follow the district guidelines for absence excuses for this day.

Test -  We will be testing on Ch. 9 and portions of Ch. 11 & 12 on Tuesday, April 28th.  Students will receive a study guide in class on Friday (due Monday).  We will be utilizing their technology on Monday for a review game during the BYOT kickoff.

Today - Ch. 12 Section 4 Directed Reading (due Friday) Thursday - Review Flowering Plants Friday - Study Guide:  Classification, 6 Kingdoms, Protists, & Plants (due Monday) Monday - Kahoot! Review Game & Study Guide Due (will be returned before the end of the period) Tuesday - Test:  Classification, 6 Kingdoms, Protists, & Plants