Taxonomy/Classification Project Information

Taxonomy/Classification Project Instructions

Due Date:  Thursday, April 3rd.   (Required)
·        Students will choose an animal and research its biological classification and create a visual representation of this information.
·        Students may use construction paper, copy paper, poster board, etc.  However, the total size should be no larger than a half sheet of poster board
·        Required components:
o   Common name of the animal  -Top-
o   Scientific name of the animal (be sure to format correctly)  -Below Common Name & Above Triangle-
o   7 layers of classification (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family,  genus & species) of the animal organized into the upside down pyramid discussed in class 
o   Pictures, drawings, etc. used to represent the animal or its habitat
o   Student’s first and last name and period in the bottom left-hand corner
·        Students are encouraged to use a variety of materials  - - magazine pictures,  drawings, computers, etc. 
·        Students will be graded on neatness, attractiveness, following directions,  promptness and accuracy. 
*Note:  Research on the animal will be completed in class Wednesday, March 19th.  Further computer use must be done before or after school or at home.  However, the further use of a computer is not required for this project. 
Taxonomy/Classification Project Grading Rubric
Teacher Name: SmithDue Date:  Thursday, April 3rd. 
Student Name:     ________________________________________
CATEGORYExcellentNeeds ImprovementUnacceptablePoints Earned
AttractivenessThe project is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness. (10 points)The project is attractive in terms of design, layout and neatness. (5 points)The project is distractingly messy or very poorly designed. It is not attractive. (0 points)
Levels of ClassificationAll 7 levels of classification are accurately listed. (35 points)5 - 6 levels of classifcation are accurately listed. (25-30 points)
Less than 5 levels of classification are accurately listed. (0 - 20 points)
Scientific NameThe scientific name is accurate and is formatted correctly. (35 points)
Either the scientific name is not accurate - or - it is not formatted correctly. (20 points)
The scientific name is not accurate and is not formatted correctly. (0 points)
Following InstructionsAll instructions were followed exactly. (10 points)
1-2 instructions were not followed. (5 points)
More than 2 instructions were not followed. (0 points)
PromptnessThe project was turned in on or before the due date. (10 points)The project was turned in one day late. (5 points)The project was turned in 2 or more days late. (0 points)