Friday, January 21, 2011

Microscopes, Bacteria & Viruses

Monday, 1/24 –Test & Notebook Check -  Microscopes  & Chapter 10 Test (Bacteria & Viruses)

Next Chapter:  Chapter 11 – Protists (section 1 & 2 only)
                We will cover this small chapter quickly and likely have a test the following Monday, 1/31. 

* Send in your Box Tops for Education!  We can use these to purchase lab supplies!
 Assignments/Activities which should be complete for this notebook check:
1.       Microscope Intro Lab
2.       Compound Light Microscope worksheet (color code & label)
3.       Parts of the Microscope Crossword
4.       Viruses video worksheet
5.       Bacteria Prediction Guide
6.       Common Shapes of Bacteria Foldable (3rd – 7th periods only)
7.       Virus Profile – students were to create a virus “character” and write an “about me” profile of the character.  The following words must be included and underlined in the profile:  virus, host, DNA or RNA, shape, lytic cycle, lysogenic cycle, vaccine, antiviral, reproduce, non-living.  (Students may use a different tense or form of the word.  Ex.  Vaccine/vaccination, reproduce/reproduction/reproduces.  Many of the students really enjoyed this activity, so I encourage you to ask them about their character!
8.       Microscopes, Bacteria & Viruses Study Guide