Friday, January 21, 2011

Test Review for Monday, 1/24!

Key Items for Monday's Test  (key terms are underlined)
a.       Calculating Magnification (ocular lens x objective lens = total magnification)
b.      Identify Parts

Bacteria:  Chapter 10   Section 1 & 2
a.      Living
b.      Prokaryotic
c.      Reproduction: Binary Fission
d.      Nitrogen Fixation
e.      Bioremediation
f.       Genetic Engineering/Bioengineering
g.      Pathogens
h.      Treatment:  Antibiotics
i.       Give examples of harmful bacteria
j.       Give examples of helpful bacteria
k.      3 common shapes (list & identify picture)

Image from SparkNotes

Viruses:  Chapter 10   Section 3
a.       Non-living
b.      Require a host cell
c.      Composed of DNA or RNA
d.      How are viruses similar to living things?
e.      Reproduction:  Lytic cycle & Lysogenic cycle
f.       Prevention:  Vaccines
g.      Treatment:  Antiviral