Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Egg Osmosis

The students have LOVED the egg osmosis experiment we have been monitoring each day.  Many have wanted to repeat the experiment at home.  It's very easy and you may already have the supplies on hand!

Here's how:

Supplies:   Eggs (uncooked), Vinegar, Water, and Corn Syrup (or other liquid)

  1. Soak regular (uncooked) eggs in vinegar for about 2 days.  (This will dissolve the shell.)
  2. You may need to gently run water over the egg to remove all of the shell.
  3. At this point, you will have a bouncy, squishy egg!  (The egg is kept intact by the cell membrane.)
----Some of the students just wanted to play with the squishy egg, so some may stop here----

  1. Soak one of the eggs in tap water for about one day.
  2. Soak the other egg in corn syrup for the same amount of time (or you could experiment with other substances).
  3. Observe the whether water has moved into or out of the eggs.
  4. Switch the eggs.
Here are our eggs after soaking in water and corn syrup for 2 days. 

Here's a close-up of the corn syrup egg: